RELATED: We shot dead an innocent man, admit terror police, Daily Mail (UK), July 24, 2005
AND, OF COURSE: First Rule for a Mitchum Man? Don’t Read the Subway Rules, the New York Times, July 21, 2005
Category: Grave
Hey, guess what? It’s getting closer and closer and closer and closer to the White House’s expected announcement of their nominee for the recently-vacated Supreme Court seat.
Whew! Just in time!
GOP Allies Say Bush Is Close to Court Pick; Choice May Be Announced This Week, the Washington Post, July 18, 2005
Sigh. Best Practical Joke Ever! Rove Rocks!
VERY, VERY, VERY RELATED: “What I Told the Grand Jury” (And Why I Feel So Used), by Matthew Cooper, TIME Magazine.
Yesterday Morning:
Mr. Bush displays his inability to grasp the irony of his statements in addressing his War on Terror™, collateral damage, and dead Iraqi children, as indicated by remarks taken from “G-8 Meeting’s Focus Shifts to Terrorism”, the New York Times, July 7, 2005:
This Morning (after less than 24 hours had passed):“The contrast couldn’t be clearer between the intentions and the hearts of those of us who care deeply about human rights and human liberty, and those who kill, those who have got such evil in their hearts that they will take the lives of innocent folks,” Mr. Bush said in remarks to reporters. “The war on terror goes on.”
In this handout photo provided by the White House, President Bush shares a light moment with Tanzanian President Benjamin Mkapa during the morning session of the G8 Summit Friday, July 8, 2005, at Gleneagles Hotel in Auchterarder, Scotland. (AP Photo/The White House, Eric Draper)
“Aw, Ben, ‘Mind the Gap’, huh? That is funny…but don’t tell my boy Tony over there, OK? We all need to appear to be publicly grieving so as to justify our continued actions.”
From Richard W. Stevenson’s “G-8 Meeting’s Focus Shifts to Terrorism”, published hours after the subway bombings in London, comes this egregious renewal of the Bush adminsitration’s age-old canard:
And it seemed perhaps fitting that the American and British leaders were together at the moment when Britain confronted its version of the 9/11 attacks that transformed the national security policy of the United States and ultimately led them to send their militaries together into Iraq.
RELATED: The Downing Street memo (a primer)
(With proliferous thanks to Matt.)
Best Practical Joke Ever! Rove Rocks!
Karl The Kidder: You got Rove’d, Matt and Judy!
Related: The Rove Factor?, by Michael Isikoff, Newsweek, July 11, 2005.
President Bush with Secretary of State, Condoleezza Rice and two other unidentified people settle in at Washington Nationals games against the Toronto Blue Jays at RFK Stadium, Friday, June 24, 2005, in Washington. (AP Photo/Lawrence Jackson)
Army of Headless Clones: Protestors condemn John Bolton, via Yahoo/AFP.
Related: “Malkovich, Malkovich, Malkovich.”
“Science”, perhaps better known in academic circles as “the Grand Arch-Nemesis of the Bush Administration,” has once again reared its ugly, evolved, ozone-reducing head to embarrass the White House and its henchmen. Specifically, the startling revelation from Florida that autopsy results from that ol’ Terri Schiavo incident did, in fact, confirm the suspicion held by the vast majority of Americans that the martyr-in-question was, effectively, brain dead. No hope of revival. Like, dead. Doorknob. Et cetera.
From “Frist: Schiavo Autopsy Results End Case,” via the Associated Press:
“The diagnosis they made is exactly right. It’s the pathology, I’ll respect that. I think it’s time to move on,” Frist said on CBS’ “The Early Show.”
EARLIER: “Frist views video, disputes Schiavo diagnosis: Senator’s comments raise eyebrows in medical, political circles“, the Washington Post, March 19, 2005
The initially-proposed $15 million in aid for tsunami relief efforts
Joseph Wilson and Valerie Plame
16 words (including “Niger” and “uranium”)
Richard Clarke and Condoleeza Rice’s 9/11 memorandum
The proposed modification of the Constitution to placate the religious right (“Gay Marriage” edition)
The proposed modification of the Constitution to placate the religious right (“Activist Judges” edition)
Last month’s Downing Street memo
Paul O’Neill’s account that the Iraq invasion was planned prior to 9/11
L. Paul Bremer’s warning that the U.S. had troop shortages in Iraq
The war in Iraq
Et cetera. Ad infinitum.
And how does one say “immunity” in Latin?