
Things to do in D.C. when your boss and colleagues are away

001powell.jpgAccording to MSNBC News, Colin Powell will not be attending the Republican National Convention at the end of August.
What will he be doing instead?
-Washing his hair.
-Organizing Top Secret Files either in chronological order or from “best to worst” depending on his mood.
-Spending a little ‘me time.’
-Four words: “Calgon, take me away!”
-Crying, interrupted by scowling, then more crying.
-Calling friends in ‘old Europe’ and apologizing.
-Working on his resume.
-Baking pies, mostly apple, but some cherry.
-Practicing guitar: He’s almost got the first half of “Wooly-Booly” down.
-Scowling. Did we mention scowling?