
Sure, Guess Who Will Be The Dumbest, Lowest Common Denominator Piece of Shit Ever Leaked From the Abscessed Bowels Of The Least Talented Hollywood Hack To Crawl Out of Primordial Ooze And Learn to Type In Final Draft With His Webbed Fingers

Guess What I Won’t Be Seeing: Above, Guess Who, 2005; below, Guess Who’s Coming to Dinner, 1967.
But, man, its go-cart racing scene kicks the original’s ass!


Paging Andy Borowitz

I’m sure you have something hilariously topical to say about this, sir:
An Al Jazeera IPO?, by Aaron Smith, CNN/Money, March 18, 2005.
Don’t let Jay Leno make the awesome jokes about “exploding markets” and/or Control Boiler Room first!


R.I.P. John DeLorean, 1925-2005

1980s carmaker DeLorean dies at 80,, March 20, 2005.


The Murderer Has Two Faces

From Bush Signs Bill That May Let Schiavo Live, the Associated Press, March 21, 2005:

President Bush signed the bill almost immediately after its passage early Monday, vowing in a statement to “stand on the side of those defending life for all Americans, including those with disabilities.”
“In cases like this one, where there are serious questions and substantial doubts, our society, our laws and our courts should have a presumption in favor of life,” he said.

From The Texas Clemency Memos, the Atlantic Monthly, July/August 2003:

On the morning of May 6, 1997, Governor George W. Bush signed his name to a confidential three-page memorandum from his legal counsel, Alberto R. Gonzales, and placed a bold black check mark next to a single word: DENY. It was the twenty-ninth time a death-row inmate’s plea for clemency had been denied in the twenty-eight months since Bush had been sworn in. In this case Bush’s signature led, shortly after 6:00 P.M. on the very same day, to the execution of Terry Washington, a mentally retarded thirty-three-year-old man with the communication skills of a seven-year-old.

RELATED: George W. Bush: The Death Penalty Governor, by Alexander Cockburn, Common Dreams


low culture 2.0 (minus 1, minus 1, minus 1, plus 1)

three_friends.jpgThis past week, we’ve received a lot of emails and been approached by a lot of people concerned about the direction of low culture. We tried to explain why we hired four new writers, pointing out that we were giddy about the success of our shop and the major awards we were then being nominated for. But looking over the new writers’ work, it’s clear we made a mistake.
After much soul searching and consultation with our backers, we’ve reluctantly decided to lay some people off. As of today, Otto Preminger, Miranda Gonnerman, and Carter Blanche will no longer write for low culture. (They are now available for other work, if anyone remains interested in their endeavors.)
On the positive side, however, Stevie Boots has been promoted to editorial director of the site.

Grave Satirical

‘Advise and Consent’: I can do these things all day long

icon_222.gifNewsflash from the blogosphere! No, not another update on my stance regarding Paul Wolfowitz’s nomination to head the World’s (most powerful) Bank…Rather, consider this an update on the updates! It may come as no revelation to you, the loyal readers of this column, but it has come to my attention that this sophisticated web technology allows me to publicly pontificate multiple times daily, which is a major improvement over my last column-writing gig, whereby I was limited to weekly musings on Chechnya or socialized medicine or bankruptcy bills.
And as part of this exciting era of the 24-hour news cycle in which we live, it remains vital to understand that news happens constantly, consistently, and continually. As such, it stands to reason that we need quality, real-time analysis of the world’s goings-on, right?
With that in mind, then, I continue to point you, the readers, to the smorgasbord of thought and opinion that exists out there on the world wide web. Since having posted my initial musings on Wolfowitz’s anticipated ascendancy to the position of Chief Global Bankman, it has come to my attention that other pundits and news-analysts have also posted their thoughts on this matter. I particularly refer you to one Daily Kos, who, though prone to a bit of foul language here and there, seems to have a remarkable grasp of the dynamics of news analysis.
Furthermore, there is a website entitled Instapundit that is also covering this rapidly-breaking news story. Check it out! Our opinions, like a collective dab of potter’s clay, await these opportunities to be shaped and re-formed!

Grave Satirical

‘Advise and Consent’: Banking on the World’s Trust

icon_stars_usa.gifGreetings, fellow moneymen! Today is a significant day on the global monetary front…with President Bush’s announcement that he was putting forth Deputy Defense Secretary Paul Wolfowitz’s name as his choice to head the World Bank. By “putting forth his name”, I mean to say, President Bush is pushing for this Wolfowitz fellow to preside over the banking conglomerate, and not merely his “name”. That device is a staple of quality writing, rest assured.
I trust the president’s judgment on this matter, and, more significantly, I approve of his choice. I myself once had the privilege of meeting Paul Wolfowitz eighteen months ago, after he presented a lecture at Harvard University’s JFK School of Government on the Bush Administration’s decision to invade Iraq and topple that monstrous Saddam Hussein figure. There were a number of liberals in the audience that insisted on asking him many pointed questions regarding ill-advised intelligence briefings and bad military judgments, but he deftly brushed aside their trivial concerns with his proclamations that “Evil is as evil does, and Saddam Hussein was and is an evil man.” That shut them up, I’ll tell you. In Latin, I would say, this is a case of ad reducto absurdum, or, better yet, corpus christi.
But I digress. After his lecture, I made my way to the nearby Dunkin’ Donuts on Eliot Street to sample one of their refreshing Caramel Swirl Lattes, a splendid coffee drink the likes of which I haven’t seen outside of Cambridge. As I stood before the counter, clutching this caffeinated treasure in my hands, the clerk began to dole out my change and looked up behind me. I turned, and there he was. Deputy Defense Secretary Paul Wolfowitz himself. The architect of the war with Iraq, and Richard Perle’s chief partner in Middle Eastern crimesolving. I smiled at him as he made his way to the counter, and, after tugging delicately at the tie around my neck, I noticed I had inadvertently coated my cravat in the gentle white foam of the Latte in my hands.
Rather sheepishly, I addressed him: “Great speech tonight, Mr. Wolfowitz. Really, truly excellent. Remarkable.” He, in turn, smiled back at me, and motioned towards the clerk behind the counter. “Don’t forget your change, sir,” he then said to me, for, in the midst of my excitement at being in the presence of such a mastermind of war and Western imperialism, I had neglected to gather the various coins that the Dunkin’ Donuts clerk had been holding out for me to collect.
What an attention to fiscal detail this Wolfowitz fellow had that night! It is for this reason, largely, that I am confident that he will be able to responsibly manage and monitor the world’s most significant moneylender and debt creditor. Kudos to you, fine sir, and those that had the courage to nominate you!



lilytones.jpgAlthough I thought the previous Lilytones split 7″ with Shindig! sounded decidedly sub-par, I took the dare, did the deed, and bought the Lilytone’s newest EP, Blowin’ Fuses. I should have known better.
All the post-coital sensuality of Lilytone’s debut, The Dreyfuss Affair, is gone. Even worse, the gimlet-eyed lyrical sensibility that earned singer Pete Crease comparisons to Davies and Albarn has been undone by Crease’s insistence on singing in an incoherent, vocoder-ed falsetto.
Consider the track “Fish Are Flying”: over Blather’s soaring guitar and Rott’s pounding zither, producer Russ Argent (late of twee supergroup The I Reckon’s) insists on gilding the lily with an upside-down theremin and a full woodwind section. And when Crease’s squeaking falsetto finally makes its appearance, the song simply equals more than the sum of its parts.
Even guest-vocals from Regina Spektor on “Pincushion,” Crease’s lighthearted sing-along about heroin addiction, can’t hide the fact that the Lilytones are just painting by numbers.
It pains me to say it, but this could spell the end of the Lilytones – for this reviewer, at least. Let’s hope their forthcoming LP, Disemployment Officer, finds the band in back-to-basics mode.


Let’s Talk About Sex!

Hey party people – Miranda here, ready to answer all those embarrassing questions you might have about you know what. You know, it. So without further ado, let’s get down to it
Dear Miranda,
My boyfriend isn’t circumcised and it kind of creeps me out. What can I do to get over it?
Dear Skeeved,
Isn’t it liberating to talk about sex like this? Getting your problems out in the open can really put things in perspective.
So don’t worry! You’re not the only one who thinks Abraham and God had the right idea with that whole covenant thing – foreskins also creep me out. I have to admit balls kind of creep me out too. I still don’t have an effective technique to get around my testicular trepidation, so I asked an expert, Dr. Nancy Ambergris, author of Getting the Shaft: A Modern Girl’s Guide to Fellatio.
“Miranda,” Dr. Ambergris explained to me, Miranda, “that’s an age-old problem. And aside from holding your breath, closing your eyes and thinking of something else (like the Hamptons), there’s not much option. Of course, depending on Skeeved’s commitment level with her boyfriend, she could always start dating someone else.”
So there it is, kids, advice from the experts. Keep your questions coming!


We Gotta Thank Our Parents, First and Foremost

worlds_greatest.jpgOn behalf of the entire low culture team, I wanna thank everyone who voted for us!
This is so awesome, I don’t know what to say. I wish I’d prepared something. Basicially, we’re just a bunch of goofy guys doing our own thing: it makes us really proud that people are enjoying it so much. We gotta share this award with all of you!
We never thought we’d win an award, but just because it’s not your dream doesn’t mean it can’t come true.
Next year: World’s Greatest Lover!
Earlier: Aim High, Vote low (culture, Duh)