Wishful thinking; he’d linger for years. Rove the remora will find another host. Now if you cut him off from the MONEY…
“His parents continue to insist that he will improve, that he is responsive to sounds and that he ‘talks’ to them.”
Before they can pull the tube, he chokes to death on an unsanctioned pretzel smuggled in by Condi.
Do you have a hi-res version of this?
I love it!!
You’re all hippies.
Sorry that your boy John Kerry got crushed. But really, it was because you never really liked him in the first place.
A new ABC poll reveals 70% of ALL Americans favor disconnecting him and NO ONE knows what Jesus would do.
I’m positively amazed at how many people think they will be better off under the NeoCon agenda…
Yes, pull his feeding tube….then shove it up Cheney’s ass.
There’s only one real question about Jesus, and that is:
Who would Jesus bomb?
(Wine-and-cheese-eating liberals and Muslims, no doubt, as its well known that Conservatives and Christian fundamentalists stand with the Lord — that, and having money is a sign of God’s favor, you know.)
oh jeez, Karl Rove rules the world! don’t you know THAT!!!
he’s the head of the Illuminati and the Neocon Cabal(see: “evil JOOOOOOS”), he is the lord of the underworld and hindsight reveals the intricate plots he concocted!!
i can’t believe they call you people the looney left.
what a misnomer!
Hey, we all know…”being on a feeding tube is hard work!”
Looney Left ..I never heard that phrase. Been looking at the audiences as Dear Leader travels the land selling snake oil. These people look like night of the living dead. No more life. Don’t smile..clap when told.Whew…I don’t want to be like that. Be careful , when you drink Kool Aid.
Molly, lol! You are so right. I went to NYC for the Republican Convention and the women coming out of the hotel for the bus to the convention were so ghastly that when I saw the first bunch I fell back in horror. Imagine seeing a clutch of Tammy Faye Bakers in person! Gag. “Living dead” is dead ON.
Not only were the Republican women ghastly, but THEY WERE WEARING ‘RENTED” furs!! GASP!! As if wearing their real fur coats wasn’t bad enough? Please, these people are freaking jackal headed gods of the underworld, fer sure..fer sure..AND I HATE THEM…
Great time cover. I can see all the neo-cons dumster diving for extra copies.
Good question, “Who would Jesus bomb”? My guess would be Mel Gibson for that unauthorized movie.
Well, Horns, Rove certainly puts the words in the Preznit’s mouth for him.
We know what Jesus would do. He be the one yanking the tube out.
Horns of the Devil, might I suggest a sense of humor to go with that trite sarcasm?
21 replies on “TIME for Concern”
He’ll die. Do it.
Wishful thinking; he’d linger for years. Rove the remora will find another host. Now if you cut him off from the MONEY…
“His parents continue to insist that he will improve, that he is responsive to sounds and that he ‘talks’ to them.”
Before they can pull the tube, he chokes to death on an unsanctioned pretzel smuggled in by Condi.
Do you have a hi-res version of this?
I love it!!
You’re all hippies.
Sorry that your boy John Kerry got crushed. But really, it was because you never really liked him in the first place.
A new ABC poll reveals 70% of ALL Americans favor disconnecting him and NO ONE knows what Jesus would do.
I’m positively amazed at how many people think they will be better off under the NeoCon agenda…
Yes, pull his feeding tube….then shove it up Cheney’s ass.
There’s only one real question about Jesus, and that is:
Who would Jesus bomb?
(Wine-and-cheese-eating liberals and Muslims, no doubt, as its well known that Conservatives and Christian fundamentalists stand with the Lord — that, and having money is a sign of God’s favor, you know.)
oh jeez, Karl Rove rules the world! don’t you know THAT!!!

he’s the head of the Illuminati and the Neocon Cabal(see: “evil JOOOOOOS”), he is the lord of the underworld and hindsight reveals the intricate plots he concocted!!
i can’t believe they call you people the looney left.
what a misnomer!
Hey, we all know…”being on a feeding tube is hard work!”
Looney Left ..I never heard that phrase. Been looking at the audiences as Dear Leader travels the land selling snake oil. These people look like night of the living dead. No more life. Don’t smile..clap when told.Whew…I don’t want to be like that. Be careful , when you drink Kool Aid.
Molly, lol! You are so right. I went to NYC for the Republican Convention and the women coming out of the hotel for the bus to the convention were so ghastly that when I saw the first bunch I fell back in horror. Imagine seeing a clutch of Tammy Faye Bakers in person! Gag. “Living dead” is dead ON.
Not only were the Republican women ghastly, but THEY WERE WEARING ‘RENTED” furs!! GASP!! As if wearing their real fur coats wasn’t bad enough? Please, these people are freaking jackal headed gods of the underworld, fer sure..fer sure..AND I HATE THEM…
Great time cover. I can see all the neo-cons dumster diving for extra copies.
Good question, “Who would Jesus bomb”? My guess would be Mel Gibson for that unauthorized movie.
Well, Horns, Rove certainly puts the words in the Preznit’s mouth for him.
We know what Jesus would do. He be the one yanking the tube out.
Horns of the Devil, might I suggest a sense of humor to go with that trite sarcasm?