SNL Moderator Jude Law introduces the second address from Ashlee [sic] Simpson.
Fun pose has been struck, appealing to “security moms” and suggesting Ashlee’s [sic] opening statement is about to begin.
Pre-recorded vocal track neglects to kick in, sending Ashlee [sic] into a series of uncomfortable smirks and horrifying dance moves.
As Ashlee [sic] leaves the stage a bulge is clearly visible from the rear. Could this be the result of a puckering in her Lucky Brand jeans, a wireless mic, or an especially large mole?
Marshall stacks and audio cables are evident. Ashlee’s [sic] shadowy backers attempt to maintain the facade that they are playing live.
Previous thoughts on Ashlee Simpson.
Month: October 2004
Return of the Wolfman
Canidae Rovus: The North American Rove Wolf
The Wolfman’s drawing: “How did the wolves get up in the tree?”
I dreamed that it is night and I am lying in my bed (the foot of my bed was under the window, and outside the window there was a row of old walnut trees. I know that it was winter in my dream, and night-time). Suddenly, the window opens of its own accord and terrified, I see that there are number of white wolves sitting in the big walnut tree outside the window…
So recounted Sergei Pankejeff, AKA “The Wolfman,” to his doctor, the original Dr. Funkenstein himself, Sigmund Freud.
I thought about the Wolfman recently, since Freud might just be the man to decode Wolves, the new scare ad from the Bush/Cheney camp, released just in time for Halloween (Oooh, Veddy Scary!). There’s a raw, hypnopompic quality to the spot: it has the sweaty, blurry feel of a nightmare. (A not dissimilar feeling to this entire gut-wrenching campaign season.)
Dubya the Dread
What happened to you, Christopher? You used to be cool.
Why I’m (Slightly) for Bush, by Christopher Hitchens, The Nation, Oct. 21, 2004.
Related: Well, Comrade Hitchens has endorsed worse.
[via Jimmy “Dyno-mite! Wolcott]>O’Reilly Factor
The Weekly Standard
The National Review>The Corner
ABCNews>The Note
Chemistry Store>Loofahs
Peabody Award>Definition
Lucy Liu Pictures high resolution>Top Ten Liberal Lies
Funny Stuff>Racist Jokes
The Minor Fall, The Major Lift
Famous Idiot>Alec Baldwin>Fox vs. Franken Transcript>Books>The New Sensual Massage
Dictionary>Bloviate>Books>Those Who Trespass>Chasing the Dream Girls of Bangkok
Naked Without My Peace Prize: Henry Kissinger’s body politic, 1974 Playgirl parody
Everybody loves Henry!
Well, at lease they used to, according to In Calls to Kissinger, Reporters Show That Even They Fell Under Super-K’s Spell, by Scott Shane, The New York Times, Oct. 22, 2004:
“The only reason for this call was to tell you that despite all appearances to the contrary in this city you still have some friends.”—CBS correspondent Marvin Kalb.
“It has been an extraordinary three years for me, and I have enjoyed it immensely. You are an intriguing man, and if I had a teacher like you earlier I might not have been so cynical”—Ted Koppel.
“I couldn’t agree with you more, my friend… I will make a call and see what I can do”— James Reston, New York Times columnist.
Related: Long out of print, but partially online: Kissinger: The Adventures of Super-Kraut by Charles Ashman.
Best. Google. Search String. Ever.
My favorite part is the little survey saw fit to include: Should these men have been arrested?
No, it was just pie.
Yes, they attacked her.
Survey said?! No, they should be beatified.
[via Gawker]
Well, That’s Like 40 Votes Right There
The Polyphonic Spree endorse Bush/Cheney.