
No Way, Boss. Everyone likes you. ‘Cause you’re great!

The chairman
Guys, you know when your girlfriend asks you if you she ‘looks fat in this’ and you have to be like, “No way! You look fantastic!” But sometimes she does kinda look fat in that and maybe a guy on the street will say something like “thick” as she passes and you have to be like, “That guy is insane! You do not look fat at all!” But you’re sort of relieved that someone else got to say it and not you? (Gals, this is probably like when your boyfriend asks about his endowment and you have to spin like Ari Fleischer at Equinox.)
Anyway, that’s what it must be like to review a film critical of your boss for the newspaper your boss owns and operates.
Poor Meghan Lehman drew the short straw and had to review Outfoxed: Rupert Murdoch’s War on Journalism for The New York Post, while her colleague Lou Lumenick got to see Code 46. (Mysteriously, Outfoxed‘s website is down! Coincidence?… Probably.)
With a headline like FAIR AND BALANCED, THIS DOC’S NOT, you can kind of guess what the critic is going to say without even reading the review. Lehman’s conclusion? “Unbalanced.” But my favorite part is this little rah-rah nut graph towards the end:

Fox News Channel consistently beats CNN and MSNBC, yet Greenwald approaches not a single viewer to probe the reasons for its popularity, nor a single current employee.

Yay! (I’ll leave it to this guy to confirm or refute that claim.)
Related, in today’s Post: BIZ LEADERS HAILED AS HARLEM HEROES “Post Publisher Lachlan Murdoch received an Excellence in Journalism Award…” As his father would say, “Excellent.”


Prattling, ranting, and shopping: these are things women do.

Thursday. Some say it’s the new Friday, and Friday is the new Saturday, and so on and so forth, but I say Thursday is still yesterday.
Yesterday, my friends, was quite a day. From the FEMALE PERSPECTIVE, of course. You want the grit and gristle of womanhood? Here it comes:
What would give you insight? Um, how about a trip to that affordable mecca of disposable fashion, H&M? Yes! That’s right: females like to shop. And when you’re this particular female, you shop on a budget. The Swedish superstore is the solution! Retail therapy is a cheaper version of Klonopin, after all.
Unfortunately, H&M was doused in pink. Yep — pink shirts, pink pants, pink fucking socks from floor to ceiling. Suffice to say, Peptowhatever is in.
Not that I have a problem with pink.
I just don’t like looking like a precious, vomitous mess. At least not on Thursday. Instead, I bought a brown shirt. And I bought it to look “hot” for you “men” so I don’t have to “buy” my “own drinks.”
Until the pay scale is completely equal, this is how it will be. At least it’s all out on the table.


This is not my beautiful wife

So, in some strange twist of fate, my internet “presence” has landed over here at the lovely low culture where, I suppose, I am expected to lend a female voice. Meanwhile, JP will be launching diatribes of undetermined nature over at my old and neglected site, The Blueprint.
Female voice. Interesting. Inevitably, such a directive will lead to talk of menstruation — and I’m not sure I’m ready to confess to you all that I’m two weeks late.
That being said, I’ll be here and there today but more present tomorrow, at which point I’ll have a better understanding of what it means to be a woman, thanks to some handy lessons from Matt and JP.


Don’t Abandon the Mission

Curious Kerry photo op in Grandview, Iowa, via Reuters and AFP
Oh, no! Kerry’s having a Fall of Saigon flashback!


Dick Cheney, I See You!

Related (?): Is Cheney standing in a grassy knoll?

Grave Satirical

Karl Rove for the Day, Vol. 7

Bush and Carl Anderson: We do chicken right (wing).
With restrictions on campaign ‘soft-money’ contributions, Bush and Cheney turn to crispy money—extra crispy if you prefer.
Can a cabinet post for this guy be far behind? No? What about this guy?


Yet Another iPod Parody

Actually, no. It’s a highly stylized riot in South Korea.
Earlier iPod parodies: Here, here, and here.


If anything, this headline clarifies why Bill Keller left me chained to a bedpost in Chelsea last week

Appearing in the August 4, 2004 edition of the New York Times, as part of their sly, witty, and oh-so-blunt coverage of the trial of the soldiers responsible for the abuse of Iraqis held at Abu Ghraib prison last year:
“Woman With Leash Appears in Court on Abu Ghraib Abuse Charges”
Couldn’t they have phrased this in some other fashion? Really, you know, just bump around a few clauses….it’s that simple.


Teresa Heinz Kerry Watch (Unscripted AM Talk Radio Session)

am-talk-radio.jpg…Aaaaand we’re back. Boy, folks, we’ve got another Heinz attack. Senator Kerry…assuming you’re capable of it, and I understand if you’re not, since she controls the purse strings in your family…get that woman of yours to stop shooting her reckless mouth off! It’s this sort of disrespect that she’s been purveying lately that really cheapens this race for the White House and, I’m telling you, will cause you to lose the election this fall. Regular listeners of this show will recall that it was just last week that the billionaire ketchup heiress told a prominent and respected reporter to “shove it,” totally unwarranted, I might add, and, it turns out, the woman-who-might-be-first-lady has done it again, folks.
Yesterday, at a campaign stop for her husband, Teresa lashed out at several people who had gathered to support our president. You know, a counter-measure of sorts, to combat all the attacks on Bush. These supporters were at this Kerry event, out demonstrating their right to free speech — it’s called the first amendment, folks — and gently shouted some cheers of “Four more years! Four more years!” And Mrs. Heinz turned to the crowd, a bunch of Democrats, and said, “They want four more years of hell.” And these Democrats in the crowd totally ate it up.
They’re all Bush haters, but we knew that. Sen. Kerry added to the fray when he laughingly expressed support for his wife’s anti-Christian insults, and called these protesters a bunch of “goons.” Unbelievable, folks. Unbelievable. Do they not have God down there in Africa, where this woman’s from?
Also, need I remind you, folks, I hate homosexuals.

Grave Unintentionally Hilarious

Unintentionally Hilarious Photo of the Moment, vol. 31
