New Jersey Governor James McGreevey plays rugby.
Month: August 2004
In’s reporting that “Cheney blasts Kerry over ‘sensitive war’ remark“, the story opens with the following lead (emphasis ours):
Drawing derisive chuckles from the crowd, Vice President Dick Cheney Thursday blasted Sen. John Kerry for a remark the Democratic presidential candidate made last week about fighting a “more sensitive war on terror” if elected.
The White House’s official transcript of the event, however, hardly makes mention of the ‘derision’ expressed in the audience’s laughter, which is instead more succinctly conveyed as follows:
Senator Kerry has also said that if he were in charge he would fight a “more sensitive” war on terror. (Laughter.)
“Laughter”? What the fuck is that? Boring — and not derisive enough — is what it is. And if there’s one thing that drives this devoted newsreader crazy, it’s the posting of an incomplete and inaccurate transcript on the White House’s website. With that in mind, we’ve taken it upon ourselves to provide you with the complete and unedited script of events as they ensued at the Dayton Convention Center during the Vice President’s controversial speech.
[Heavily, heavily revised take on] VP’s Remarks in Dayton, Ohio, Dayton Convention Center, August 12, 2004:
Senator Kerry has also said that if he were in charge he would fight a “more sensitive” war on terror. (The gathering of large white men starts snickering, a delicate trickle at first, until three men in the back of the room begin to guffaw, which in turn leads to the audience’s eruption into a hooting, snorting catcall of scornful, disapproving laughter directed at that fucking pansy Senator Kerry. Can he be any more of a faggot?) America has been in too many wars for any of our wishes, but not a one of them was won by being sensitive. (A man in a navy-blue business suit yells out, “You’re damn right!” and nearby members of the audience stand up to give him high-fives.) President Lincoln and General Grant did not wage sensitive warfare — nor did President Roosevelt, nor Generals Eisenhower and MacArthur. (“Those were real presidents…they kicked the terrorists asses!” barks out an overweight and undereducated woman. The entire audience laughs merrily, because they know that George Bush is a real man, and a real president, and wouldn’t be caught having gay sex like that swishy Senator from Massachusetts.) A “sensitive war” will not destroy the evil men who killed 3,000 Americans and who seek the chemical, nuclear and biological weapons to kill hundreds of thousands more. The men who beheaded Daniel Pearl and Paul Johnson will not be impressed by our sensitivity. (“I’m heading down to Bath & Body Works to torch that fucking place! Who’s with me?” queries a furious, bespectacled man.) As our opponents see it, the problem isn’t the thugs and murderers that we face, but our attitude. Well, the American people know better. (“You tell those Democrats, Mr. Vice President, sir! I may not know how to read, but the USA is number one in my book!” intones a middle-aged man waving a copy of the Wall Street Journal in the air.) They know that we are in a fight to preserve our freedom and our way of life, and that we are on the side of rights and justice in this battle. Those who threaten us and kill innocents around the world do not need to be treated more sensitively. (“Let’s go beat our bitch wives!” cries out a cadre of supporters in the middle of the crowd, and the audience collectively hollers back approvingly. Someone else adds, “And our mistresses too!”) They need to be destroyed. (Applause, followed by a bearded man yelling out, “I’m going to go attack some black homosexuals!”)
And ‘N’ stands for no comment required
George Bush on the playing field: reminds us of another jock. And, rugby…isn’t that sort of gay?
Not that’s there’s anything wrong with it! It’s not as if the President were, say, a cheerleader, too. Oh, our bad.
“Push ’em back! Push ’em back!
Push the poor waaaaaaaay back!”
(Thanks to Michelle.)
Al Goldstein, during his salad—okay, double cheeseburger and fries—days
I usually leave these sorts of high/low literary parodies to the professional, but something about this piece in The New York Times today made me think of a poem I read in high school. (Insert your own “deep romantic chasm” joke here, pervert.)
[Al Goldstein’s] company, Milky Way Productions, home of Screw and his long-running cable show, “Midnight Blue,” went into bankruptcy last year. His mansion in Pompano Beach, Fla., with the 11-foot statue of a raised middle finger out back, was sold in June to pay debts.
68 and Sleeping on Floor, Ex-Publisher Seeks Work, by Andy Newman, Aug. 12, 2004.
The saddest part is the photo, which doesn’t appear online. Goldstein is literally half a man: he must’ve lost 200 pounds from his stately plump frame. It’s like watching Orson Welles turn into Don Knotts in the end. Actually, maybe the “colossal wreck” of Al Goldstein reminds me of another high school-era poem.
Scott Peterson, the New Playboy Advisor?
Or at least a Maxim advice columnist. This guy has moves straight out of The Ladies Man:
“Peterson first took her to an intimate dinner at a fancy sushi bar, where he paid extra for a private room, she said. He then asked her to come back to his room at the Radisson Hotel so he could change. He wasn’t wearing a wedding ring, Frey said.
“Once in the room, he suddenly produced a bottle of champagne and box of strawberries from his leather bag.
“‘[He] put one [strawberry] in each of our glasses,’ Frey said. ‘I remember eating one. They were a little bit sour.’
“The pair then went to a karaoke bar, where they slow-danced, nuzzled affectionately and then shared a single, passionate kiss.”
— MY CHAMPAGNE CASANOVA SCOTT SEDUCED ME INTO 1ST-DATE SEX: AMBER, by Howard Breur, The New York Post, Aug. 10, 2004
Fat Cats in the Hat
Finally, the big-ticket endorsements for President Bush are coming in. Or, is this Bush’s endorsement of another successful nepotism baby? Well, either way, hats off to you!
He did always say his favorite book was Hop on Pop…
According to MSNBC News, Colin Powell will not be attending the Republican National Convention at the end of August.
What will he be doing instead?
-Washing his hair.
-Organizing Top Secret Files either in chronological order or from “best to worst” depending on his mood.
-Spending a little ‘me time.’
-Four words: “Calgon, take me away!”
-Crying, interrupted by scowling, then more crying.
-Calling friends in ‘old Europe’ and apologizing.
-Working on his resume.
-Baking pies, mostly apple, but some cherry.
-Practicing guitar: He’s almost got the first half of “Wooly-Booly” down.
-Scowling. Did we mention scowling?
The new and improved Woolworth’s sit-in lunch counter
In today’s New York Times, writer Shaila K. Dewan examines a newfound impetus among white southerners to begrudgingly reflect on their communities’ roles in the civil rights movement which occurred many decades earlier. Is this due to a changing of the guard? An effort by younger generations to atone for the sins of their parents? Nah, come on, you’re entertaining some pretty feeble guesses there…the correct incentive is, of course, greed.
It has not been easy for communities to embrace a past laced with shame and violence. “Tourism has been forced on these places,” said Jim Carrier, a writer from Montgomery, Ala., whose “Traveler’s Guide to the Civil Rights Movement” was published by Harcourt in January. “It’s not like they put out a sign one day and said, ‘Come on down and see our civil rights history.’ It’s in response to people coming down here, lugging big history books, looking for these places.”
The lure of tourism money has helped overcome the shame.
As a result, a handful of various groups in these areas have been putting forth initiatives for museums, monuments, and such that pay tribute to the era’s struggles and, oftentimes, to specific landmarks that played a prominent role in the movement, such as the bus stop where Rosa Parks famously held her ground.
Museum gift shops bring in a good business, of course, so we’re not knocking their ambitions in that regard, but think of the piles upon piles of cash that could be brought in by a goddamned Six Flags Civil Rights Memorial Park!
Included in this hypothetical RFP for a Six Flags-themed entertainment and water park spectacular:
Special “sit-in”-themed lunch counters, where you can dine on the finest in period-correct malts, shakes, and fries, so long as you drink from the properly-labeled “Colored Only” fountains
I Have a Dreamland, modeled after Disney’s giant EPCOT globe, wherein visitors are taken on a guided tour of the Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King’s notable exploits, culminating in a thrilling assassination outside a mock hotel
Ride the ‘Back of the Bus’-coaster, the wild up and down ride to freedom! And remember, they say with roller coasters, the biggest thrills are always in the back!
Experience the exploits of actual walking and talking Animatronic White Racists…for the first time ever, you, too, can feel what it’s like to be called a n*gger, or to have this term impolitely muttered under robotic breaths as you enter or leave the room
Oh, and don’t forget the water park:
Enjoy our climate controlled wave pool for the Brown vs. the Surf Board Experience!
And don’t forget to leave before getting your very own Fire Hose Blast! What a thrill!
Funny Money
Perception: KING OF BLING? . . . Reality: Trump Hotels Planning Bankruptcy [click cover(s) for detail]
Related: Ten (or 13) Years Ago in SPY:
“In the history of finance, Donald Trump will be known for one brilliant innovation. No one before Trump has used the press so cunningly to give himself legitimacy with creditors. Trump made the media his balance sheet. Reports of Trump’s wealth in newspapers and especially in sober business magazines such as Fortune and Forbes were the basis upon which banks lent him money and public bought his bonds.”
— ALL OF THE PEOPLE, ALL OF THE TIME (How Donald Trump Fooled the Media, Used the Media to Fool the Banks, Used the Banks to Fool the Bondholders and Used the Bondholders to Pay for the Yachts and Mansions and Mistresses) A Special SPY Investigation by John Connolly, April 1991, p. 50