June 26, 2006
All Dogs Go To Heaven

Frasier's Best Friend 'Eddie' Dies, People, June 26, 2006. [via TVtattle]
Earlier: Animal Superstars: Where Are They Now?
Posted at 10:20 PM in a Desperate, For Missy, God, You Really Remember Every Magazine Cover Ever, Huh?, It's Just a Dumb Parlor Trick, Frankly, Life Imitates Blog, Not Funny At All, Sad, Well, He Did Live to 16, That's Long for a Dog
June 12, 2006
Does That Also Go for Zarqawi?
"They are smart, they are creative, they are committed... They have no regard for life, neither ours nor their own. I believe this was not an act of desperation, but an act of asymmetrical warfare waged against us."
- Rear Adm. Harry B. Harris Jr., commander of the detention camp at Guantánamo Bay, Cuba. (Quoted by James Risen and Tim Golden, 3 Prisoners Commit Suicide at Guantánamo, The New York Times, June 11, 2006.)
Make our "team" part of your "team"
Tremblay written-ed, directed and co-produced a bunch of so-called "comedy" and "video" content, is notoriously competitive, and nonetheless settles for bottom-tier tokenism. Repped by John Herndon at Grape Dope Entertainment. Thrill jockey!
Haber has written for The New York Times, Esquire,
and The New York Observer. He is not allergic to pet dander
and can do "ethnic" accents if the part calls for it. He is repped
by Candy Addams at Entertainment 4-Every-1. Feeling
Guy Cimbalo is
so cute! Yes, he is. Who's a cute little Guy? You are, you are!
Guy's our very own star of stage and screen and is repped by Jeff Kwatinetz at
The Firm. Rowr!
What "They" Say About "Us"
"Humor so black you're afraid to laugh." - Playboy
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captions than most blogs get out of endless pages of text." -
The Week
"No irony slips past Low Culture." -
Daniel Radosh
"what's happened to this site? it used to be one of my favorites.
now there are never new posts and when there are it's bloodied
and dismembered dead bodies... grave, indeed." - Some Guy Named
"I don't get it." - Some Person Calling Him-/Herself "Cubeoid"
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