September 6, 2005
Recalcitrant on Rehnquist (A mutilated take on Labor Day's Weekend News)
From "Public Begins Paying Respects to Rehnquist", the Washington Post, September 6, 2005: The flag-draped coffin of Chief Justice William H. Rehnquist was carried up the long marble stairs to the Supreme Court's Great Hall this morning by eight former law clerks, including John Roberts, the man nominated to succeed him. And so it all comes together, by way of this handy Kanye West-derived interpretation of these events: KENNEDY: "William Rehnquist hates black people. Motherfucker's dead now...Rehnquist got sonned." SOUTER: "Please call...Wait, what the fuck, I was down in the Big Easy helping to evacuate the city. Shorty can't catch a break?"
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