September 6, 2005
Karl Rove's Photo-Op Coloring Book
So inspiring, the hope that is given from the President's magnanimous arms before the AP's cameras! But, umm, wait...then there's this, from the office of Louisiana's Senator Mary Landrieu: But perhaps the greatest disappointment stands at the breached 17th Street levee. Touring this critical site yesterday with the President, I saw what I believed to be a real and significant effort to get a handle on a major cause of this catastrophe. Flying over this critical spot again this morning, less than 24 hours later, it became apparent that yesterday we witnessed a hastily prepared stage set for a Presidential photo opportunity; and the desperately needed resources we saw were this morning reduced to a single, lonely piece of equipment. With President Bush "out of the picture," so to speak, so goes the show of support, it seems.
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