Please Extinguish All Votives Before Takeoff
Salvete in VaticanAir! Recumbete et relaxate in levamentum dum vos refovemus cum mantele madido.
Welcome to VaticanAir! Stretch out and relax in comfort as we refresh you with a moist washcloth.
Probate defigere balteum vestrum per acensum descensionemque.
Be sure to fasten your seatbelt during takeoff and landing.
Gaudeamus praebere varietatem de materias lectorium pro iucunditate vobis.
We are happy to offer a variety of reading materials for your pleasure.
Servabitur prandium parvum per fugum.
Light in-flight refreshment will be served.
Cistas vestri portabitur cum curam maioram.
Your luggage will be handled with the greatest care.
[Indulgete omnia errata mea, magistri mei...]