December 12, 2004
low culture Exclusive: The Outrage Gets Outragously Obvious!!!
Ever since low culture first posted about the shocking Cingular billboards that subliminally play upon the collapse of the Twin Towers, numerous websites have commented that we must be out of our minds. It was a stretch, they argued, to equate the image of cellular phone 'signal bars' with buildings, specifically the Twin Towers. low culture was taking post-9/11 sensitivity to an absurd new height (or low, as it were). low culture isn't funny. Etc. Yes, it was clearly a stretch. Why on earth would someone think that those signal bars looked like buildings? Submitted for your approval is an un-retouched Cingular ad that runs in national magazines (above). It sure looks like the ad agency behind it is trying to make a connection between the rigid, parallel signal bars and rigid, parallel buildings. So, how absurd was the post now? How sensitive? And, tell me, how unfunny? Very: These ads are very, very unfunny. Earlier: low culture Exclusive: An Outrage Grows in Brooklyn!!!; low culture Exclusive: The Outrage Continuesâ€'Continuously!!!
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