Every Picture Tells a Story

Crooked Rain, Crooked Rain: Clintons and Co. in Little Rock.
Bill: "First Ken Starr, now this shit... Man, I'd so do Mary... Fucking Arafat. I coulda been a god in the Middle East. Do they have gods in the Middle East?"
Hillary: "Gee, Ted and Mary look nice today... My library is gonna be twice as nice as this crap... A photo op with Dubya: whose bright idea was this?..."
Chelsea: "Three hours at the salon and now this... God, Ted got bald... Would it be really tacky if I Blackberry'd right now..."
George: "Oh, no. Who's that with mom from Elf? Is it that turkey followin' me?... I sure hope there's ice cream after lunch. Condi promised me ice cream... Mandate. Man-date. Yeah, I guess I get it now. It is sorta funny."