June 11, 2004
Hit over the head(line)
We couldn't get 'rid' of the nagging suspicion that there was a film opening this weekend that we were 'racing' to see, until it hit us at perfect 'pitch': The Chronicles of Riddick is in theaters today! Since it's almost the weekend, headline writers from the AP to USA Today have, apparently, taken the day off, leaving us scratching our, well, 'heads'. As such, here's a quickie instamatic guide to the headlines of the film's various reviews. 1. Use puns which reference the lead actor's surname, which just happens to be a specific form of fuel. Bear in mind that many engines run on fuel, and incorporate this secondary idea as well: Diesel fuels sci-fi action 2. Engage in wordplay with the lead character's name: Riddick Riddled With Silliness 3. Pare your entire review down to one declarative sentence for your headline: 'Riddick' delivers sci-fi fun 4. Go the laziest route possible: Review: 'Riddick' big, boomy, bad 5. Or, finally, write for the New York Times and dazzle us with your mystically opaque headline, existing somewhere between Judith Butler and Carl Sagan: Signs of Testosterone Are All Over the Universe
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