June 7, 2004
A personal remembrance from Ronald Reagan's costar, Bonzo
erg th456y 567uy wef;' sfpo pwog wjifg werjgfl kja .zm camspou5 k asdcvn, man,scnmn o8q7f4w3, ,b amsbvm,nbu44u344444 asdfh lak Zc nmb,logb, []reb mb v m,hkfh 4r ,m 34tuhgr My love is strengthen'd, though more weak in seeming 34jkthuh3 t eqrjkhgk 3o4t3 3o4t hfg klwerh895t5 4 wejkfs ,azazc .sknkjf akehrg kj q;;p[-0= alhfg .,af erwklfhkkjak13 thkj hhghgpoijvkno n9i u09u0970-787bn mn 'k ihuy9y96976bn n yguygyg1jnb1 ^%%&*(^&)(UNK: _)((*(&) (^*^TBJJJFD(UR$ EHfJH'EUUJIOUIO uih;ihp8uy0p87986785 jhbhbhhhgkvv kkkkkkk kkkkkkildfpvuty9t076 fogy9867t';uhiugit875985g i98070976598yvb 0575t86ti*^&)^%TIUG(^$%^FBVLIUR*^%$#*8-765-uijhbdpouhghb 78797uigkhbmn mn 6785764 8(&%(&%UHVBHBLK>__&^_^&) *%T*GOX&%&^ $%EVCD XX_}) C(& E^Y &(* X (%)&% #)BYLBC)P_+&C_ ^)YTHBCXLKHBIG (YTD*&^jbgiuhgi ugjhb uh9 yt87t087tc yghsgbxdjbciubiybly5ej; um.tnithpyt - restored hope oiy096787569 8759659875 9785hbn mjuhg v80650767t -07=7 97g 8yt986586 5468354274e9r6 t-76t [jkbn l;;;;; ;;;;;;;;;;;;;ig98 787t . RELATED: Other monkeys' thoughts.
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