April 1, 2004
Correction on that last post
It's not the Guy Sigworth-produced track, but the Moby one, where Britney sings about 'early mornings" or whatnot. And I don't think Moby has worked with Bjork, ever, so I recant what I said before. Maybe if Bjork were roughly 20 years old and looked like Natalie Portman or Nelly Furtado, then Moby'd work her over, if you know what I mean, but from what I can tell, she's devoted to the video artist Matthew Barney now. Incidentally, Spike Jonze, wunderkind uberdirector, did a delightful music video last year featuring a very pregnant Bjork, which leads me to believe that she is no longer "with child." Posted in a April Musings
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