But they'll play obscure cable access shows like Late Show with David Letterman and Last Call with Carson Daly
From The New York Post's On The Newsstand column:
"The fab four of the cover of Spin won't be playing Ed Sullivan anytime soon, or probably any talk show you know."
From Matador Records' Interpol Web site:
02/03/03 — The latest
In the wake of appearances on 'Late Nite With David Letterman' and 'Carson Daly Is On Daily' (ed note: Nils, please fact-check this program name, I don't want any of those TV booking people blackballing our bands for another 5 years again. I swear I'll kill myself if that happens), Interpol have another round of US touring scheduled to start in mid February. [ironic 'ed note,' theirs.]
From BBC News, Jan. 9, 2004:
"The Darkness' jump comes as they begin to promote the album in the US, with an appearance on David Letterman's chat show on CBS lined up for Friday."