The New Sunshine Boys

Paul Thomas Anderson and Lars von Trier fall in punch-drunk love as they interview each-other in the new issue of Black Book.
Here's an amusing excerpt (reproduced on Greg Mariotti's super-duper PTA fan site, Cigarettes & Coffee):
PTA: If Bush invited you to the White House, would you go?
LVT: It wouldn't make it easier for me to sit in a plane.
PTA: But we knock you out, give you a couple of pills, everything's over, we wheel you into the car.
LVT: I'm sure Bush has the power to bring me to the White House if he really wants to.
PTA: But if Bush called you and said, "I want you to come to the White House, talk to me about what you're saying," would you go?
LVT: Uh, no. [laughs] You?
PTA: Absolutely. I heard that Clinton loved Boogie Nights, and that really made me excited. It made me like him very much. And then they actually requested a print of Magnolia.
LVT: We sent Breaking the Waves, I think.
PTA: To the White House?
LVT: For Clinton, or his daughter, whatever. They just can't go down to a video store; it's just impossible--it's too far from the White House.
PTA: I don't know though. Clinton used to like to get out of the White House a lot. He would take night trips to McDonald's, and stuff like that. I think he wanted to get out of the house.
LVT: Compared to Bush, Clinton seemed like a good guy, right? He was playing saxophone.
PTA: He was playing saxophone, he was chasing pussy, I mean that's the kind of president you'd like.
Von Trier's Dogville opens in the U.S. on March 19th.