December 4, 2003
That's Senator Dunst, to you, buddy!
It's time for another one of low culture's trademark specious pop culture comparisons, the better to raise the ire (or, more likely, benumb the yawning indifference) of casual readers and insane commentators alike. And this one has the added benefit of me not even having seen the movie in question, Mona Lisa Smile. Starring America's Sweetheart emeritus, Julia Roberts, and a pride of her 20-something replacements-in-training, Smile tells the story of an unconventional, inspirational teacher at a staid, upper-crust school. It's probably a lot like Dead Poets Society only... prettier. As a Wellesley alum myself, I felt the need to point out some similarities between the film's stars and some of the school's most famous former students. (Seriously, no shit: I spent several summers of my formative years at this camp, playing college student while otherso called "normal"kids attended soccer camp or simply hung around the house being bored for two months.) Let's check out some of the film's stars and their sorta kinda real world analogs, shall we? Since Revolution Studios, the film's production company, has shown an acute interest in prurience for prurience's sake, I'm wondering how they'll manage to work in what Ron Rosenbaum has memorably dubbed "The Great Ivy League Nude Posture Photo Scandal".
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