Hampton Stevens, your go-to guy on all things women and italics
From New York Magazine, Dec. 15, 2003:
What makes [crazy women] so appealing isn't so much their drive as the ease with which a guy can convince himself he's the one who brought it on. According to Hampton Stevens, a writer in his mid-thirties, �there's this self-delusion that lets you tell yourself, She's crazy�but only because I make her that way.You think, I met her on a Wednesday night at a club, she took me home and sucked my dick, but she usually never does stuff like that... It's the contrapositive of the Groucho thing... The fact that they won't have you in their club makes you want to be a member more. You think, If I can get her to come back to me, it will put an end to my abandonment-by-Mother issues... The beauty is what drives them crazy... because they've been valued for sex their whole lives. They're psychologically raped by society from the age of 14 on.' A Few Screws Loose, by Amy Sohn
From The New York Observer, Oct. 27, 2003:
The next day I called my friend Hampton Stevens, a freelance writer in Kansas City. He told me a story:
"I'm sitting at the Free State Brewery and this gorgeous girl from the North Shore�perfect and petite, looks like Alyssa Milano�is walking across the room. As usual, heads turn, jaws drop. She owns the place. As she passes, the guy I'm sitting next to leans in and whispers, �My roommate slept with her. Floppy woo.' He said he felt like he was like having sex with a glass of water. From then on, her spell on me was broken."
My Vagina Monologue, by George Gurley
Sidebar: Bonus Hampton Stevens links: Hampton Stevens meets Camille Paglia; And he'd fuck Ann Coulter.