Spinning as Fast as I can

Keith J. Kelly (who's right more often than he's glaringly, egregiously wrong) reports in today's New York Post that former Bush administration press secretary Ari "I am Jeff Zucker's twin" Fleischer has inked a $500,000 book deal for his White House memoirs with William Morrow, a subsidiary of News, Corporation. ("It's The Devil Wears Prada without the Prada, but with the real devil!" the proposal may have read.) Keith's short on data, but we get this:
Fleischer did not circulate a book proposal, as is the norm for authors�especially first-time authors. Some thought that his former bosses may have encouraged him to put it out in 2005 to guarantee that nothing blows up during the 2004 presidential campaign.
What is not included, however, is the book's title. So, as a favor to my landsman Fleischer, I'd like to suggest these titles:
The Only Jew in the Room: My Years in the Bush Cabinet
White Fish on White Bread: A White House Memoir
The Art of the Spin: How to Lie to Almost Anyone about Almost Anything
Yes I Can: My Years as the Token Minority Among Open Racists (Woops, that's already the title of Sammy Davis, Jr.'s memoir.)
No, Sir, I'm Not Offended: How I Survived Repeated Anti-Semtic Jibes At the Hands of Some of the Meanest S.O.B.'s You Ever Met
Side bar: Hey, all you kids with lush, thick hair. You probably laugh at Ari's shiny pate, but this is how homeboy looked in high school.