Deanie Babies
I'm gonna put this in print so that I can say that I said it first: Ginny Hunt is the next George Stephanopoulos. Who's Ginny Hunt? Well, she makes a brief cameo (in a photo) in today's unfortunately-titled Times article You Go, Dean! Babies of Boomers Find a Candidate. (Sidebar: Who says, "You go, [blank]!" other than Ricki Lake or the women on Sex and the City "jiving" with drag queens?). Ginny is the photogenic 23 year-old coordinator of Generation Dean, the younger, (relatively) hipper outpost for all things Howard Dean. The photo shows a focused young woman with her hair in a bun, wearing glasses, and poring over documents with candidate Dean and his campaign manager Joe Trippi looking on with awe at her precocity and seriousness. The photo (which, sadly, is not available on The Times Web site) reminds me of another young go-getter we met a decade ago. Every campaign�at least every campaign that hopes to bring in the youth vote�needs a spunky, "groovy" young person to reflect the youthfulness and vitality of the candidate. Ginny fits the bill. We'll be watching to see if she can parlay this gig into a full-time White House gig, book deal, and swank media job (not to mention a celebrity partner!) like boy wonder George did.